Covid19 Early College Update

By Mackenzie Jackson,

Early College students must continue with assignments, online participation, projects, and tests to earn credit. English and Communications courses count as the high school graduation requirements for English 12 and all courses will be on the high school transcript. The Early College courses will conclude May 16. Students should be participating in Ivylearn daily.

Covid19 ELearning Schedule

By Mackenzie Jackson,

The Career Center will follow the eLearning schedule set by New Castle School Corporation.  Starting the week of April 6th eLearning will be on Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays. Fridays will be participation based.  All assignments will be due each Friday by the end of the day. The last day of school will be on May 22.

Students should contact Instructors regarding certification testing. Each program will handle testing differently.   Dual credit coursework will be incorporated in the eLearning assignments so that students are still able to earn credit.    

All seniors are still required to complete eLearning work in order to receive credit.

The Career Center Office is closed, but the phones will be answered from 9 AM-3 PM each day.  We will also continue to correspond via email. Stay safe and healthy and thank you for being part of the New Castle Career Center family.